Known for being environmentally friendly compared to other fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel fuel, LPG stands out with its economy compared to other fuel types. Continuous use of quality products in LPG vehicles not only extends the engine life of your vehicles but also provides high performance for your vehicle.
Since autogas, which is an environmentally friendly and economical energy source in every respect, has been increasing its share in the Turkish LPG market in recent years, this has led not only to an increase in the number of automobiles switching to autogas, but also to the fact that many automobiles produced in Turkey have been manufactured ex-factory with the first-hand LPG option.
• It prevents knocking and extends engine life, thanks to its higher octane rating compared to gasoline.
• It provides efficient combustion. It extends the life of the engine. It prevents soot formation in the engine, thanks to its high combustion feature.
• It is cheaper and saves money compared to gasoline. It offers same quality for every refill.
• It is environment friendly as it creates less emissions, thanks to its chemical composition.